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Accucom Blog

Accucom has been serving the Norwest Business Park area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A Cybersecurity Carol

A Cybersecurity Carol

Every year around this time, some particular stories are often told as part of ongoing family tradition. We like to take some time and share some holiday stories of our own, slipping in our own lessons that mainly apply to the businesses we work with and amongst.

What follows is one of these tales.

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With the Right Help, Even A Kidnapped Santa Claus Isn’t Hard to Fix

With the Right Help, Even A Kidnapped Santa Claus Isn’t Hard to Fix

Most of us know that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, but fewer know that he’s specifically built his big castle and workshop someplace called the Laughing Valley. There, he and all the elves, sprites, pixies, and fairies that help him make his toys live and work to give the children of the world their presents each year.

All that being the case, even Santa and his team need a little help every once in a while.

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3 Neat Gadgets That Many Found Under Their Christmas Trees This Year

3 Neat Gadgets That Many Found Under Their Christmas Trees This Year

Did you get any cool technology for the holidays this year?. Let’s take a look at three popular gadgets that were all the rage this holiday season.

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When Santa’s Workshop Has IT Troubles, They Know Who to Call

When Santa’s Workshop Has IT Troubles, They Know Who to Call

We work with a lot of businesses, but one in particular may surprise you. Let’s talk about how our services made a certain organization’s critical processes a lot easier to manage during their busiest time of year:

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IT Hard: A Reimagined Christmas Story

IT Hard: A Reimagined Christmas Story

During this time of year, many people like to sit back and reminisce upon favorite stories from the past. We figured we’d join in the fun by reimagining what many argue to be a holiday classic: Die Hard.

Let’s take a few moments to consider how the story might play out if the action were to take place today…

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Technology to Target as the Holidays Approach

Technology to Target as the Holidays Approach

Most people like new technology, whether it is a lamp shaped like the moon, a new video game console, or just a gadget that may improve their life a little bit. We looked around to try and find some business-esque technology the professional would be able to use in their office (or home office). Let’s take a look at them now:

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A Modernized Christmas Story

A Modernized Christmas Story

In recognition of the holiday this year, we’ve decided to adapt a famous tale to a more contemporary setting, and create a parody of the holiday classic, A Christmas Story. We hope you enjoy this retelling, as much as we enjoyed writing it!

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A Letter Back from Santa’s Elves

A Letter Back from Santa’s Elves

We’ve always been a proponent of preparing for the worst and hoping for the best where a business’ solutions are concerned. That’s why we were happy to receive an email from our friends at the North Pole telling us about a situation they ran into just a few days ago...

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What to Get that Techie in Your Life

What to Get that Techie in Your Life

We all know someone that has to have the latest and greatest technology. They have all of the gaming platforms, they have to get the newest smartphones every year, and they are the only person you know that owns multiple smartwatches. Clearly, some gizmo or gadget would make a great gift, but there’s still the age-old concern: what do you get for someone who seems to have everything?

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Then and Now: Move Forward with Your IT Security Initiatives

Then and Now: Move Forward with Your IT Security Initiatives

Mobile devices are great tools that allow for enhanced mobility and convenience, but this increased accessibility is also a major detriment in terms of data security. Mobile devices are notorious for being considerable security threats to businesses that utilize them. Therefore, businesses that use mobile devices on a regular basis should absolutely be aware of how they can influence security policies.

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Latest Blog

Social media is addictive, this much is true. For the people who never have taken the leap and put themselves out there, it is often maddening to see people jump from outrage about one issue to another issue without any real resolution. Thi...

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(02) 8825-5555

Unit 25, 11 Brookhollow Avenue
Norwest Business Park, New South Wales 2153

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