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Accucom Blog

Accucom has been serving the Norwest Business Park area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

You Don’t Need Always Need to Be Looking to the Future

You Don’t Need Always Need to Be Looking to the Future

Some people say it’s never okay to be satisfied with your business. You should always search for improvement to make your business more valuable to your customers and society. But when is enough, enough? When can you settle in and grind it out without a constant eye toward the future? Today, we thought we’d talk about the fear of complacency and how it can both help and hinder your intentions. 

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How Employee Burnout Contributes to Churn (Turnover)

How Employee Burnout Contributes to Churn (Turnover)

You must make difficult decisions in any walk of life, especially in running a business. The most critical decisions will focus on policies that help you keep employees and ensure they are motivated. Today, we want to discuss some of the problems associated with employee churn, or turnover, and what you can do to combat it in today’s modern business environment.

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Address These Common Employee Complaints for a Better Workplace

Address These Common Employee Complaints for a Better Workplace

One of the more challenging issues to deal with as a business owner is bridging the gap with your unhappy employees. While it’s certainly true that unhappy employees could be upset for any number of reasons, some of which are completely unrelated to work, there are others that you might have complete control over without necessarily realizing it. Let’s go over how you can help your employees be happier and more fulfilled during their time with your business and, thereby, more productive as a result.

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Nicer Coworkers Do Better in the Workplace, So Give Them the Tools to Be Nice

Nicer Coworkers Do Better in the Workplace, So Give Them the Tools to Be Nice

“Nice guys finish last.” It’s not a new idea—in fact, it’s paraphrased from a quote teasing the 1946 New York Giants for their last-place finish in their league. In business, it’s become a cliche all its own…but does the cliche actually have anything supporting it?

As it turns out, it doesn’t.

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How to Have More Productive Employee Monitoring Habits

How to Have More Productive Employee Monitoring Habits

With more remote and hybrid employees than in the past, many employers feel like they need to work harder to monitor their employees to keep them productive. Some businesses have invested in software solutions designed to monitor employees while out of the office, but research suggests that this might have the reverse effect desired.

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Should Your Business Consider the Four-Day Workweek?

Should Your Business Consider the Four-Day Workweek?

The traditional 40-hour workweek feels like a staple in the business world, where employees work 8 hour shifts and then head home for the day. This was not always the case, however, and there can be a case made that even the 40-hour workweek should be adjusted to at least some degree. Let’s take a look at the modern workplace, how it has changed, and how it can still be changed to better employees of all levels—including you.

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You Need to Actively Support Your Employees

You Need to Actively Support Your Employees

We don’t believe for one second that employees want to do the wrong thing; after all, they work for you for a reason, that reason being they want to do the job you hired them to do. Unfortunately, technology can often make it so that this process becomes difficult. If you don’t invest time and effort into ensuring that your team’s technology and resources are available when they need them most, you risk them choosing unproductive or even unsecured work methods.

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Employee Health is Probably the Biggest Consideration in 2020

Employee Health is Probably the Biggest Consideration in 2020

At the present moment, employee health has a brighter light shone on it than any time in the past twenty years. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has created a situation where governments have placed additional requirements on employers, with the intention of reducing the spread of the virus. Today, we will take a look at practices your business can take to help keep your employees healthy during this challenging time. 

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Identifying (and Preventing) Burnout in the Workplace

Identifying (and Preventing) Burnout in the Workplace

One of the most crucial resources in any business are its human ones - the employees that keep the wheels turning, day in and day out. However, like any of your business’ resources, you need to be careful when handling your employees. There is the very real possibility of an employee experiencing an unpleasant state known as burnout.

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What Exactly is the Gig Economy?

What Exactly is the Gig Economy?

For the business owner, it can sometimes be a struggle to find the right talent to fit in with your existing staff. Today, more individuals are forgoing the stability of a full-time job and contracting their expertise out as a service. With the amount of freelancers growing by the day, we’ll take a peek at the Gig Economy (as it’s called) and how it has become the new normal.

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Nobody likes getting big, unexpected bills from tech companies—neither the business owners who have to pay them nor the employees who might feel responsible for causing them. Small businesses face a tough choice: spend money to keep employe...

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(02) 8825-5555

Unit 25, 11 Brookhollow Avenue
Norwest Business Park, New South Wales 2153

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